Urban Agriculture

Quote from Dr. Stephens about his programs top finish at the Vet Science CDE Semi-Final
"My Urban Agriculture CTE program has an FFA chapter (Future Farmers of America) where we compete in a variety of career contests through the year. For the past 2 years, we have competed in the Veterinary Science event but our results have been only somewhat successful. So this year we doubled down on our preparation efforts and really focused our time and energy on getting ready. Last week we took the online test that serves as the first round of the competition. My students seemed to think they did well but it was unclear until a few days ago how well we did. Our chapter (Lakeshore Compact FFA) took the top position for all 94 chapters who competed and our very own Brooklynn Canter-Flitcraft took the #1 spot out of 1,029 competitors. Brooklynn has worked in horse barns for several years and has a deep knowledge of many animal related sciences. Our team will include Brooklynn, Marlene Hopkins, Mia Smaretsky, Bella Franklin, and McKenna King (a Wickliffe student). All of them scored in the top 150 in the state. We will now travel to the University of Findlay on 4/11 for the final competition. At this competition, the students will undertake a series of identification tasks (animal breeds, microscope slides of various bacteria, and veterinary equipment) while also participating in hands-on contests to showcase skills such as muzzling a cat, restraining a dog, and inserting a catheter. We look forward to seeing the results of the final showcase when we attend the FFA state convention in May."
Good luck to Dr. Stephens and all students who qualified for the state convention in may!!